Financial Crime Defense Attorneys in Brazil

Criminal Problems in Brazil? We Can Help You
[email protected] (214) 432-8100 +55-21-2018-1225
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Types of Financial Crimes in Brazil
The main types of financial crimes commonly found in Brazil are the following. Fraud Fraud ranges from cheque and credit card fraud to securities fraud. The most sophisticated types of fraud common in Brazil are securities fraud, market manipulation, insider trading, bank fraud, and insurance fraud. Money Laundering Money laundering is the process of moving ill-gotten sums of money to make them appear legitimate. Check our criminal defense services for money laundering crimes. Scams Scams may involve Ponzi schemes designed to deceive investors to believe that a portfolio is producing high returns. Check our page solely dedicated to how to avoid scams in Brazil. Tax Evasion Schemes to circumvent taxes include skipping invoicing or invoicing only part of the monies paid for services or goods. Bribery Bribery in Brazil is a crime under Brazilian legislation and foreign legislation as well. Proper representation may avoid overlapping penalties applied by multiple jurisdictions. Embezzlement Embezzlement occurs when a person legally takes possession of someone’s property and later on converts such property. Forgery Forgery of documents with legal importance is a crime in Brazil. Counterfeiting Counterfeiting money or goods in Brazil is a crime punishable with penalties and time in jail.Criminal Problems in Brazil? We Can Help You
[email protected] (214) 432-8100 +55-21-2018-1225
#1 Contact us to get a free quote, or #2 Schedule a Consultation now.
Financial Crime Defense in Brazil
Brazil has a well-established legal system. Its constitution provides many protections to individuals, and such protections apply to both nationals and foreign citizens. Among such protections, there is the due process of law. Due process means that the investigation and criminal prosecution must respect a plethora of individual rights. Processual Defenses Many criminal cases may have processual flaws that can be addressed by a defense attorney. Black Letter Law Defenses Brazilian law defines crimes in detail. Activities that may look like a crime may be differentiated by the defense attorney. Other Defenses Insanity, duress, self-defense, and intoxication are just some of the many defenses available in Brazil when it comes to criminal law.Financial Crime Defense Attorneys
Brazil has a well-established legal system. Its constitution provides many protections to individuals, and such protections apply to both nationals and foreigners. Schedule a consultation today to learn how we can help.Criminal Problems in Brazil? We Can Help You
[email protected] (214) 432-8100 +55-21-2018-1225
#1 Contact us to get a free quote, or #2 Schedule a Consultation now.