Brazil continues to combat piracy
The act of intellectual privacy is a major concern in nearly every business sector. As more data is being stored digitally, the ability to steal information is becoming easier and the need for businesses to protect themselves against cyber criminals is growing. In Brazil, the National Plan to Combat Piracy is offering resistance to the crime.
On May 14, the National Council to Combat Piracy and Offenses Against Intellectual Property revealed the third edition of its plan. The new rules and regulations will be enforced until 2016.
There are a number of different things that the latest edition of the plan hopes to accomplish. The first is the creation of an observatory that will conduct research on the topic. Second, is the creation of state organizations that will combat piracy and the training of the agents that will be a part of that group. Cities that are a part of the 2014 FIFA World Cup—which Brazil is hosting—will get additional training to stop the sale of fake products.
There will also be a public education piece to the new rules. This will be done to teach the public about the dangers of buying counterfeit products, something that 38 percent of Brazilians said they have done in the last year, according to a survey by the Federation of Commerce of Rio de Janeiro.
This need for increased protection against piracy is important as the World Trade Organization has warned Brazil to do so. Companies that are considering doing business in the country should have lawyers in Brazil to help keep their products from being pirated.