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Attorneys in Amazonas and Pará
Also serving the states of Acre, Amapá, Rondônia, Roraima e Tocantins.
We have attorneys fluent in English and Portuguese able to take care of your legal interests in the Northern states of Brazil. Whether you have land in Amazon, mineral activities in Para, or you have personal interests in any of these states, we are able to fully represent you as licensed Brazilian lawyers.
These are some of the cities in Amazonas where we can serve you: Manaus, Parintins, Itacoatiara and Maués. In the state of Pará, Belém, Santarém, Marabá, Altamira and Paragominas are also served by our Brazilian attorneys.
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+55-11-4349-1915 Brazil
+1-214-432-8100 USA
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The states of Amazonas and Pará comprehend most of the north of the country. They also represent most of the Brazilian Amazon jungle, thus the abundance of legal cases related to lands and real estate disputes.
Some of the cities and cases common to states in the north of Brazil
Acre: cities of Rio Branco, Cruzeiro do Sul and Sena Madureira. The service sector is the largest component of GDP at 66%, followed by the industrial sector at 28.1%. Agriculture represents 5.9%, of GDP (2004). Most of the legal cases we see in Acre are related to wood and other exports; land registration and land disputes; real estate in general; strategy for companies wanting to set up a presence in the state; and franchising.
Amapá: cities of Macapá, Santana, Porto Grande and Laranjal do Jari. In Amapa, most of the legal cases are related to Agriculture or exports related to wood, ores, and heart of palm. Real estate and land registration are also major sources of work for our lawyers in this state.
Rondônia: cities of Porto Velho, Ji-Parana, Vilhena and Cacoal. Rondonia was originally home to over 200,000 km2 of rainforest but has become one of the most deforested places in the Amazon. Its main economic activities are cattle, agriculture, and mining.
Roraima: cities of Boa Vista, Rorainópolis and Caracaraí. Roraima is the northernmost and least populated state of Brazil, located in the Amazon. It borders the states of Pará and Amazonas, as well as Venezuela and Guyana. Most legal cases we see there are related to the services sector, industrial segments as well as wood and leather exports.
To get a free assessment of your case in Brazil, send an email to [email protected].
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[email protected]
+55-11-4349-1915 Brazil
+1-214-432-8100 USA
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