Marriage Certificate in Brazil
Marriage is a beautiful milestone for families everywhere. It’s also a process that carries some legal ramifications. For example, your marriage could impact your taxes, your immigration status, and potentially even your academic aid amounts at a university.
Plus, you may have a legal obligation to share your marriage certificate in certain situations. We address here some of the situations in which you need to track down your marriage certificate from Brazil to use in the US (or another country) and your marriage certificate from another country to use in Brazil.
This article will help you understand what that process looks like. Keep reading to learn more.
You can also read this page in Portuguese here.
Need to recognize a foreign marriage in Brazil? Check this other page instead.
When You Need a Marriage Certificate From Brazil
There are different situations in which you may need to present an original copy of your marriage certificate from Brazil. It will depend on the country that you’re going to be spending time in and the institutions that you’re interacting with.
For example, you might need a marriage certificate if you:
- Plan on immigrating to a new country, like the United States
- Want to attend school in a new country and apply for financial aid
- Are getting a job in a foreign country and need to prove your tax status
- Want to marry someone in another country, but you are still legally married in Brazil
- Want to divorce while abroad so you can remarry
Marriage Certificate in Brazil?
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Finding Your Marriage Certificate
When you need a marriage certificate for something like immigration, school, or a foreign job, you typically have to present the original copy. This can be tough for many families to do, as originals may get lost or damaged over time.
The solution is to go and visit the Civil Registry in the state where you were married. You typically have to go into the office and wait in person, which can take some time. Gradually, registries are starting to make their records available online. However, this is not happening across the board in Brazil yet. Many registries are still working with paper records and are unable to offer their services online.
Hiring a representative like our team will make it easier for you to get the documents you need in a timely manner. You can get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help.
Common Questions About Marriage Certificates and Brazil
Are marriage certificates from foreign countries valid in Brazil?
As soon as you marry in another country, you will also be considered legally married in Brazil.
However, you will need to take the following steps, so your foreign marriage produces all its effects in Brazil:
- Have your foreign married transcribed in a Brazilian consulate or embassy;
- When doing the above make sure you select a marriage regime; and
- Later on, record your foreign marriage certificate along with the transcription obtained in step 1 in a Brazilian registry.
Making sure to complete each of the steps above will help you avoid problems such as – for instance – purchasing and selling real estate.
Do I need to register my marriage in the U.S. if it happens abroad in Brazil?
The United States doesn’t have a national registry for marriages and divorces. That means you don’t need to report a marriage that took place in Brazil to any authorities if you don’t have a reason for doing so.
However, you may need to record your marriage from Brazil in the US for purposes such as immigration, probate, divorce, and other major life changes.
How long does naturalization take through marriage?
If you marry a spouse and possess a green card through marriage, you can apply for citizenship within three years of the marriage date.
If your marriage took place abroad, you will need a new marriage certificate to be issued with an apostille and then have everything translated into English by a certified translation company. Check The Translation Company Group for such certified translation services.
Can I order a Marriage Certificate from Abroad?
Registries in Brazil are still working towards making their services available online. Many registries are still working offline and practically all registries will not accept payment from or ship documents abroad.
However, we can help you. Contact us now by mail.
Marriage Certificate in Brazil?
We Can Help You
[email protected]
(214) 432-8100
#1 Contact us to get a free quote, or
#2 Schedule a Consultation now.
How Can I Get a Brazilian Marriage Certificate from Abroad?
We can help you. Contact us now by mail.
We can have a new marriage certificate issued along with an apostille so the certificate is fully accepted in your new country of residence. We ship your marriage certificate by FedEx so you safely receive it at your address anywhere in the world.
What if I have more questions?
If you need your marriage or divorce certificate from Brazil for legal purposes, then you may already be aware of how confusing the requirements and processes around this can be.
Oliveira Lawyers is here to help. We specialize in Brazil document retrieval and can get you the original copies of your marriage or divorce certificates from Brazil that you need in no time at all.
So why wait? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.
Marriage Certificate in Brazil?
We Can Help You
[email protected]
(214) 432-8100
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#2 Schedule a Consultation now.