Business Mergers
Business mergers in Brazil are becoming more common and a Brazilian law firm can provide the necessary information and legal representation for both parties that are committing to a transaction of property, business merger or acquisition.
A report from the research firm pWC shows that 746 merger transactions took place in 2011 within Brazil’s territory. While this did not surpass previous numbers, it did illustrate a significant stronghold in business development and expansion throughout the country.
In fact, the largest number of transactions took place in December of 2011, which means there may be overlap at the end of 2012 with regard to merger and acquisition activity. A press release dispensed by glendonTodd Capital LLC, a private equity firm, announced that Aztec Systems, Inc. – an IT outsourcing provider – and Toutatis Client Services – a technology company – have formed a merger.
This merger has formed an international business process and IT outsourcing company and the complete sharing of assets will take place within the first quarter of 2013. This merger is the perfect example of foreign businesses based in the United States that open up facilities in Brazil.
“TAS will offer a robust platform of complementary information technology and business process outsourcing services to middle market and multinational companies throughout the Americas. The company has a unique opportunity to capture … market demand by enhancing its scope of product offerings and geographic footprint. Our platform will give customers geographic coverage, international management capabilities and significant operations expertise,” Todd Furniss, CEO and Managing Partner of glendonTodd, said in the company press release.
By working with a Brazilian attorney, businesses based in North America will be able to gain advantages necessary to expand their services into Brazil.