Brazilian Supreme Court refuses to turn blind eye to corruption
Laws in Brazil are meant to be followed by everyone residing in this country or any executives developing transactions between Brazilian businesses. This includes those holding office within the federal government. Foreign Affairs outlined in an article how the court system in Brazil has undertaken a new approach to handling political corruption, without giving them more power than other citizens when it comes to following the law of the land.
This past December, the Supreme Court of the nation sentenced chief-of-staff José Dirceu to 10 years in prison for taking part in a scheme that included bribing congressmen to vote alongside the rest of the government. Also, 25 co-conspirators wereconvicted of participating in the crime, which expanded to affecting banks, advertising agencies and other officials.
The court also stated that embezzlement practices led to the loss of $150 million in public funds. While the trial lasted for four months, the takeaway from the entire process is that everyone residing and partaking in business dealings within Brazil are required to follow the laws established in this country.
“The law is the same for everyone, not just chicken thieves or poor kids in the slum,” Justice Joaquim Barbosa, the head of the Brazilian judiciary, said during the trial proceedings.
Blatant corruption within political circles may no longer be tolerated by the country’s highest court. However, it will take time to see whether this new mindset will be sustainable in the long term, the news source explains. Since judicial figures are interchanged after serving their term, there is no telling for sure whether all future court appointees will share the same point of view.
Businesses that need assistance with following the laws in Brazil should contact a Brazilian law firm.