Lawyers in Curitiba
Virtual Office in Curitiba
Curitiba Corporate Evolution
Rua Comendador Araujo, 499 – 10º andar
Curitiba, Parana
This is a REGUS business center with standards similar to those found in other REGUS centers in the US and abroad. Our law firm does not keep a permanent presence at this address so please contact us previously to visiting this address to arrange an appointment.
Attorneys at this location
Attorney Consultation
+55-11-4349-1915 Brazil
+1-214-432-8100 USA
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Regus’s description of the facilities offered at this location
The Curitiba Corporate Evolution business center occupies the 10th floor of the first triple-A rated building in the city. The 11-story glass, steel and limestone Corporate Evolution tower is part of the multi-functional Evolution complex, which includes a residential block, a hotel, conference center and restaurant. The triple-A rating is awarded for its location in a prime area, maximum user comfort and absorption of new technologies, including communication facilities. The tower has emergency power generators and digital CCTV as well as other security measures. The Curitiba Corporate Evolution business center is in the affluent Batel district at the heart of the city, surrounded by businesses from the service sector, including insurance, finance and consultancy, shopping malls and amenities such as hospitals. Curitiba offers incentives to encourage new business and innovation, and especially in science, technology and processing. The ‘sustainable city’ also has advanced transport systems to support business travel.