About us

Oliveira Lawyers

Oliveira Lawyers is a law firm founded by Brazilian lawyers specializing in representing foreign individuals and companies with interests in Brazil and Portugal. We work hard to be known as the leading law firm dedicated exclusively to serving foreign clients in Brazil and Portugal.

Our professionals are truly fluent in English and Portuguese, and we operate with the same service standards you would experience in countries such as the US and the UK.

Navas Oliveira Advogados

International Law Firm

What Makes Us Unique

Our Selective Approach

As an international law firm specializing in key services for foreign citizens, we strive to work with clients who can truly benefit from our services. We always evaluate first if we are a good match for your needs. If we accept work on your behalf, you will have our full attention and dedication to achieving your goals in Brazil and Portugal.

Check our practices to know if we provide the service you are looking for. We seek to provide cost estimates whenever possible. Book a paid consultation to have answers to questions about your case, learn how things work in Brazil or Portugal, and get our advisory on the best strategies to achieve your goals.

The Ideal Match

We are a good match for selective clients who value their time and are looking for a one-stop solution for their problems. The fees we charge for our services translate into clear benefits to our clients:

1. Avoid losses

Brazil and Portugal are not for beginners. There are plenty of bad deals and scams around. Getting a lawyer looking out for you at key points of your transaction will substantially reduce the chances of severe losses.

2. Save money

Doing things right from the start doesn’t just mean better results—it also saves you money. Many of our clients reach out after running into costly hurdles they could have avoided by engaging our services from day one.

3. Peace of mind

Time costs money and mistakes will cost you even more. Our clients tell that by hiring our services they remove the stress and uncertainty of doing transactions in a different country.

Not Good Matches

Those who speak Portuguese or have an existing network in Brazil or Portugal may be better off hiring local attorneys in Brazil and Portugal, charging local fees. Our international presence, decades-long experience and the quality of our results require us to practice fees comparable to those charged in the US and other developed countries.

No free consultations

Our firm does not offer free consultations. Free consultations are prohibited by the Brazilian and Portuguese Bar Associations and are not offered by reputable firms or attorneys.

Price Expectations

We understand each client has different priorities, but if you’re looking for the lowest price, we’re likely not the best fit. Our approach, centered on personalized care, requires a level of expertise and investment reflecting our commitment to quality over budget.

Our Experience

Our attorneys have represented foreign parties in Brazil and Portugal in hundreds of cross-border transactions and legal cases. Our experience with the representation of foreign citizens started in 2006 when Leonidas Oliveira, the late father of our managing partner Luciano Oliveira, joined forces with one of the leading law firms in California to work on a massive cross-border legal case.

Over the last two decades, we have assisted clients from all continents with business and personal needs in realms such as real estate, immigration, investments, contracts, probates, lawsuits, and conflict resolution in Brazil and Portugal.

The Value We Add

We offer reliable solutions for your problems. Once we take you on board, we will guide you through the many challenges Brazil and Portugal represent to foreign clients. We will steer you away from bad deals, scams, and nonsense. We will guide you to achieve your goals the safest and fastest way possible. We will bring in other professionals such as bankers, accountants, realtors, translators, and others when needed.

Don’t want to waste time calling a bunch of people? Don’t want to learn how things work in Brazil or Portugal the hard way? Don’t want to risk your money with legal providers who don’t understand your needs and background? We may be the right choice for you.

Book a consultation with our attorneys to have your questions answered and learn the best strategies to achieve your goals today:

"Our degrees and licenses will matter to the extent that we can help our clients achieve their goals in Brazil and Portugal."

International transactions and cases require a specific skill set not easily found elsewhere. We are proud to be the safe harbor discerning clients will rely on when handling life changing events such as real estate acquisition, immigration, inheritances, lawsuits, and conflict resolution.

Luciano Oliveira, Esq., Managing Partner

Attorney licensed in Texas, California, and Brazil.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Meet the Oliveira Lawyers Team

Team Section with Scroll Pop-In
Paulo Sales Photo

Paulo Sales

Real Estate

Patrick Moreth Photo

Patrick Moreth


Livia Lopes Photo

Livia Lopes

Notarial and Registries

Camila Saunier Photo

Camila Saunier

Real Estate

Justin Castillo Photo

Justin Castillo

Business Development

Kina Tess Photo

Kina Tess

Human Resources

Marina Garcia Photo

Marina Garcia

Currency Exchange

Vitoria Rodrigues Photo

Vitoria Rodrigues


Talhes Bueno Photo

Talhes Bueno


Atlas Emanuel Photo

Atlas Emanuel


Dante Fabillar Photo

Dante Fabillar


Daniel Souza Photo

Daniel Souza


Luciano Oliveira Photo

Luciano Oliveira

Managing Partner


Locations Block - 8 Cards Updated

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Scheduling a consultation will increase your chances of working with us.

Cost estimates only by email. No quotes or legal information provided over the phone.

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